

Because each animal is unique and each owner too, we are at your side to assist you in your choices for the well-being of your companion throughout his life.

Attentive to you and your pets, our services cover your needs, from the emergency to the simple medical consultation, from the annual health check to surgery and hospitalization. We can also advise you on the feeding and maintenance of your animals by offering a wide range of specialized products.

The office is open from Monday to Friday from 8am to 2pm by appointment and from 2pm to 6.30pm with or without appointment. We are also present on Saturdays from 8am to 5.30pm by appointment only.

In case of emergencies, and outside these hours you can contact us via our number 0637385608 (Emergencies).

The firm is located in St Jean de Sixt, in Haute-Savoie (74). We receive you in new premises, adapted to the reception of your companions.

We provide veterinary care for animals in Grand-Bornand and La Clusaz: for more information: La ClusazLe Grand-Bornand.

We provide the following services on a daily basis within the firm:

  • General medicine consultation
  • General Surgery – gas anesthesia
  • Hospitalization Service
  • Laboratory analysis
  • Digital radiology
  • Ultrasound by appointment
  • Medical follow-up visit
  • Home visit
  • Dentistry
  • Sale of food & hygiene products
  • Oxygen therapy
  • Collaboration with a visiting surgeon for in-office bone surgery

To guarantee continuity and regularity in the care of your pets, Dr. Samuel Lictevout, an exclusive practitioner in small animal medicine and surgery, will regularly come to our practice for consultations and surgeries.

Dr. Rachel Butin, an imaging specialist, will be available by appointment only to perform ultrasound examinations at the office.

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